Joanna Minott

what is the design thinking process?

The design thinking process is a user-centric approach to problem-solving that encourages empathy, creativity, and iteration.

Research & define the problem

user research like qualitative and quanitive research allow designers to discover unmet challenges and needs of the users and stakeholders that they are designing for.

Ideate solutions

  1. sketching
  2. wireframing
  3. prototyping

Build, test and refine

This methodology fosters innovation and collaboration by prioritizing the user's needs and perspectives throughout the problem-solving process.

My Top 3 projects

name description industry
Ment-me a mentor and mentee netwokring platform education
Arsht Rewards a web rewards program platform for the Adrianne Arsht Center promotions
Remittance Processor a billing platform that manages employer reports Healthcare and finance